Friday, April 30, 2021

Last Minis of the Month

 Sculpting Attempting Mark 2 - Lesser Forest Spirit

A Druid providing helpful and friendly instruction

Finished my second attempt at sculpting, this time a lesser forest spirit.  Unlike the Fungoid Shrooms, this sculpt has legs! As before I made a metal armature from paperclips. This armature was more involved than the previous ones with upper branches and hands. 

The metal armature

Again I covered the armature with Milliput to form the bulk of the figure.  The pose is a bit stiff but this I think is a feature of the metal armature I made. Which I will attempt to make more animated next time. Ironically it is also a bit thin! 

The exposed metal parts, I planned to cover with Green Stuff. I made all of the fingers from metal to give them strength but it may have made them too thick. Overall I quite happy with the Milliput stage but I think I need to spend more time on the Green Stuff stage, as some of the fingers/branches are bit misshapen for my liking. 

Tree Spirit alongside a scenic tree for a dryad base

Alongside an Excellent Mark Copplestone Elven Druid

On the Paint Bench at Month End

WIP including a 2nd Forest Spirit


  1. Excellent sculpting... something I never got the hang of. Love that Goldberry figure... Possibly the best figure in the entire GW LOTR range.

    1. I also really like the Goldberry figure which is why I have been putting off painting her. I would really like to have a go at doing the glow from the candle. So this might take more than one attempt!


Green & Pleasant Land

 More Scenery for the Shire Not a lot of time for hobbying at the moment but I did manage to finish off a bit more scenery for my Shire camp...