Monday, April 5, 2021

Duel No. 3 - Get OFF My Land Part 2

Citadel C11 pre-Slotta Halfling

This is the mid-eighties Citadel halfling. A nice little figure before the Citadel halflings tipped in parody of themselves. Only saved when the Lord of the Rings figures came out 2000's. 

Original Picture from the 1984 Advert

This duel was all about the halfling attempting to steal vegetables from the nearby dwarven farmer. Its hard to think Citadel making figures like these today. Perhaps its still a nod to their role playing roots at this stage. Creating characters which are not elite fighting heroes or just cannon fodder. 

Leave my carrots alone!

The next duel was put together because I was cleaning some old figures for my Fae army and decided clean a couple of figures which have been waiting for a while. The Lone Wolf  Bandit is another figures which I bought pre-painted and the other is a C20 Troll. Named Shakined Bone Bender which is the figure I have decided to repaint for my Wargames bingo. The troll I painted about fifteen years ago and have never been happy with the look. So seemed a good choice for repainting.


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