Sunday, May 2, 2021

Accident & Emergency at Orcs Drift

 Ferndale Snart & Beli

As always there is a fox about town.

Second one from my occasional (grand) plan to complete the Orcs Drift scenario with 80/90s figures. This  time the druid Ferndale Snart and Beli (Dwarven patient suffering from shell shock). I have chosen the excellent Druid from the Talisman range. Again this is a figure I got as a birthday present back in the 80s , lost and rebought a couple of years ago (there seems to be a theme developing here...). The other connection is that this is a figure design based on a drawing by Gary Chalk. 

Gary Chalk - Ferndale at Orcs Drift

The original Gary Chalk Talisman Druid drawing

Ferndale is a druid, hired to carry out medical duties for the army of the Grand Alliance but has a drink problem (this seemed Ok in the 80s). But this is probably a nod to the film Zulu with Jack Hawkins's character Otto Witt - the dunkard priest.  He provides the heavy duty magical support for the beleaguered defenders of Orcs Drift but this comes with a price as he is trying to get his patients away to safety during the course of the scenario and is a pacifist. So only has defensive spells. 



  1. There's also a drunken druid in one of the Conan stories I recall (Shadows over Stygia?). Garrison miniatures did a figure of him clutching a sickle and wine cup. Strangely had a 17c song playing earlier called "Tomorrow the fox will come to town".

    1. The Talisman druid strikes me as very capable individual unlike Ferndale. But he a great mini.


Green & Pleasant Land

 More Scenery for the Shire Not a lot of time for hobbying at the moment but I did manage to finish off a bit more scenery for my Shire camp...