Thursday, April 1, 2021

Magic Mushrooms

 Or Having a go at Sculpting

One of my aims for the Fae army was to create some interesting and different units. Also to try and stretch my skills a bit.  After seeing a number of different Fungi-men from different manufacturers I thought would have a go at trying to sculpt a few for myself. 

First Finished Fungoid Shroom

I haven't attempted to sculpt any figures before but my thinking is the Fungi-men (or Fungoid Shrooms as I have taken to call them) is that they don't have a particularly refined humanoid anatomy and I have gained some experience in sculpting faces from the Oldhammer shields.

a.k.a. Baby Tooth

The 'body' was base coated with a light contrast brown with off white dry brushing. I am pleased how it has picked out the texture which was created with an old toothbrush directly on the Milliput. 

Step 1 - Basic Construction. They started life as a paperclip armature and washers stuck to the bases. I used Hot melt glue mainly because I am not patient enough for epoxy glue to dry and it does provide a nice strong bond. 

In front - A Spore zombie based on a Kings of War Spectre / Scarecrow

Step 2 Milliput Basic Sculpting - In an effort to save Green Stuff, I used Milliput to sculpt the bodies and  then used the Green Stuff to sculpt the detail. 

First Batch sculpted with Milliput

I used a pair of arms from an old Genestealer for the arms of the Boss Shroom (Old Jack) and left a bit of wire free on the other one to add a spear which I made from several lengths of twisted wire and a very small stone. I raided the bits box for a few scenic items including one of the awfully fiddly skeletons (see previous post - Bloody Skeleton's feet). Plus added some gold coins made from very small discs cut from a plastic rod.  

Step 3 - Green Stuff Detailing

I Forgot to photograph them before undercoating!

As you can see I added another rank which boosts them up to a unit of 12. Overall it has cost me a couple of quid for the plastics and a bit of Milliput/Green Stuff but I have a nice little unit. I may try and add a few more and I quite like the idea of bodyguard of spore zombies. 

One painted the rest left to go.


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