Monday, April 12, 2021

Let me Think About It

 'Hey Ho' Tom's On His Way

Tom Sees off a Couple of Barrow Wights

Sometimes it can help to leave a figure for a while. I first painted the classic Citadel Tom Bombadil Figure last summer as I was starting painting again. But was never really happy with the final result. So he has sat on the shelf just in the corner of my eye. So I finally decided to have a go at 'improving' him.  

Mark 1 Finish - Not a Great photo!

One of the biggest changes is that I have started using new paints such as Citadels new inks. Rather than thinned down normal paints for washes. I have to say the results are much better. So I was able to wash over the original browns and greens. However I didn't have any blue so I did resort to my trusty blue wash from Grenadier which is now over 20 years old!

Last of the few with over 20 years service

I also have a number of better brushes and was able to paint the eyes which I think makes a great difference. Also back to the traditional black for the slotta base rather than the dark brown common for Lord of the Rings figures.  He will also make a great addition to the Fae army as hedge wizard. 

Tom after 'Improvements' 


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