Friday, April 23, 2021

Thief in the Night

 Blood Bath at Orcs Drift - Silas Meel

Sneak thief

Like many people I have played through the Blood bath at Orcs Drift. Whilst I bought the scenario pack when it came out I didn't get a chance to play it until a few years ago. Also I am big fan of Gary Chalk's illustrations. 

Silas Meel by Gary Chalk

When I played it I mainly used figures from my Lord of the Rings collection. But I would really like to play it again with figures closer to the ones around at the time. The official miniatures are going for silly money but there are many good alternatives produced by Citadel (and others). So as a bit of an on and off project, I have started collecting suitable alternatives.

Ready to Strike

First up is Silas Meel the half orc spy. He is a C04 Thief from Oct 1984. Labelled as an Assassin. This is another of the miniatures that I had back in the day and rebought a couple of years ago. It is a hefty miniature with sizable amount of lead. 


1 comment:

  1. Love those 1984 thieves... one of the best ranges of that period.


Green & Pleasant Land

 More Scenery for the Shire Not a lot of time for hobbying at the moment but I did manage to finish off a bit more scenery for my Shire camp...