Thursday, April 15, 2021

Triple Points Score

Filled a Bingo Square on a Triple Points Score

Three more bingo squares completed 

Repaint a pre-painted miniature.

Triple points for this one as he is also  part of my Duel No 4  mini-challenge and I have decided to use him in my Fungoid Shrooms unit and he is the last one so finishes off the first unit.  I think I need to buy some matt varnish as the inks are bit too shiny for my liking. But he fits in nicely with the Shrooms. 

Buy a model and paint it within 48 hours.

Bought a set of Prodos games Fae on eBay, it was a bit of an impulse buy because I liked this figure in particular from the set of 6. I hadn't heard of Prodos Games before but a friend informed me that they have a very chequered past with Kick Starters. This is the first resin figures I have bought and was surprised how light they were even compared to plastics. Very nicely sculpted and a crisply cast.  

Make something for your hobby that’s not for the battlefield. (Cut foam trays display shelves, a paint rack etc.)

Like many my paints have lived in a box for over twenty years however as I started painting again quite I started to acquire a few more and finding the one wanted was becoming a chore. So 30 minutes, a glue gun, a trusty Stanley knife and a sheet of A3 foam card  produced a paint stand. As you an see I still use a wide range of paints from broad period of time. 


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