Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Sleeping King Returns

 Salute's King Arthur Finished

'Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise King born of all England.'

Thomas Mallory

A really nice Romano-British take on King Arthur by Mark Copplestone for one of the two Salute 2006 figures. He was fun to paint and I think has painted up well thanks to the crisp sculpting and moulding on the figure. 

Clothed in Royal purple

Arthur is beset by Spirits summoned by Morgan Le Fay

WIP - Bruce the Troll

Bruce shows off his moves!

Another one of those figures which I am enjoying painting. Who I have quietly doing a bit here and there. Bruce is now mostly painted. I just need to work a bit more on the detailing and then onto the base. 

He really reminds me of the classic Citadel C20 trolls although sculpted in a completely different style. Just the right mix of funny and scary and doesn't  look like he's have been working out at gym. All odd body portions and a folklore style. With some nice details. I decided that those shoes look like stone which seems a very troll thing to do! So painted as slate. 

Once I finish off Mordred, I think will have a go at the 2012 figure - A Mayan Warchief. Sculpted by the  Jacques-Alexandre Gillois of Miniature Studio. Apparently it's themed on the end of the 13th B'ak'tun of the Mayan Long Count Calendar.



  1. A great miniature! I really like the face and hair, quite nicely detailed!

    1. Thanks, Mark copplestone's figures always seem to display the detail well with a wash and highlight.

  2. King Arthur appears a dramatic miniature and your color scheme enhances this impression, as he wanders around your new cliff ... (btw, thanks for the tips on creating a scenery, which we are planning to do too!) .
    Bruce the troll is instead a funny miniature, also due to the sculptor's choice to put clothes on him, which makes it more interesting to paint him ... and a brilliant choice to assign him soles of stone. Is he dancing? Is he about to stomp a victim? Or crush someone to the beat of the music?

    1. Bruce is definitely getting ready to stomp. I have added some pictures of the rest of the models on the base.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...