Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Still Distracted

 But I Did do the Paint Stripper

Still didn't finish the dwarves, so I did some other stuff. 

But I did finish the barmaid and decided to put together the Viking house  (From Renedra at the bargain price of £5) I got at Salute this year. It was really all of the accessories that came with the set that attracted me. They all look very useful for a baggage train. Plus I now plan use the Viking house with the dwarves. 

Benni in all his unpainted glory. Paint stripping is one of those jobs that I am never very keen to do. So a little pile of miniatures usually waits for some time until I can get round to it. After painting the barmaid I thought it would be good to do him too. So tonight was right for paint stripping. Plus it make available a couple of other figures I also want to paint. 

The first of the centaurs started, I need for Thistlewood. I don't think I will do the other two (only three needed) the same way but I will see how this one goes.  The beastman is one of a job lot off of eBay and I found I didn't need to strip the paint off  the others as it acted as a reasonable undercoat. And the horse is from Lord of the Rings. 

Finally put together the 2012 Salute figure. 



  1. Lots of distractions! Your ability to work on different projects at the same time is the envy of us, unable to work on just one with continuity. Have a nice time! By the way, what is Thistlewood?

    1. Thistlewood is the first Warhammer published in White Dwarf. I have a Thistlewood tag if you want to read more about it.

    2. Many thanks - we just saw that we have a ton of posts to read on the subject on your blog! Never having heard of it is probably due to the fact that even the eldest of us, R, was a teenager in the Middlehammer era...


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...