Monday, February 21, 2022

Stomping All Over the World

 Bruce the Troll or Spriggan?

So Bruce the Troll finished and on to the next troll... However, while reading through my copy of the Woods, I realise that Bruce is described as a Spriggan and not a troll. Lets be clear Rift Cragg might be a Spriggan but Bruce is a troll. Anyone spreading vicious lies to the contrary will be stomped. 

Bruce settles a dispute with the neighbours
in typical diplomatic fashion. 

In case you are wondering, AD&D (via White Dwarf) describes Spriggans as form of goblin. So no wonder Bruce doesn't like being called one. 

White Dwarf 38,  Artist: Unknown

© Games Workshop

Bloody Handed Annie

While Annie may be the smallest of the trolls, she is certainly the meanest. And only to happy to set about with her enemies (and friends) with her morning star. As you can see from my preliminary mock up, more sprites are on the receiving end of the trolls. 

Que maniacal laughter



  1. Great to see Bruce in action in your scenery: maybe he will soon be summoned to intervene with his diplomatic tact in the difficult situation of Eastern Europe? How tall is Bruce exactly? Not that this solves the question of whether she is a troll or a spriggan, since the latter can vary their size at will ... Let's wait to see your painting on Anne: which manufacturer does she belong to?

  2. Nice! Totally fitting that these guys are smashing their way through all the little guys.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...