Saturday, December 18, 2021

Six of the Best - Sessions 6 to 8

 Session 6 - Detailing

The figure was given highlights to all the main colours and little bit of touch ups. To try and make the red really bright on the weapon, I undercoated the spots with the deck tan followed by a wash with the Reikland Flesh shade. 

Once the base is done this is sort of at my army painting standard. But I plan to go a bit further and see what else I can add.

Session 7 - Basing

Just a short session to add some skulls and coarse sand to the base.

Session 8  - Detailing

I would have liked to add more stripes but some those sections on the left are just too difficult to reach now the model is assembled. Still this is what can happen if you are working it out as you go along. For the base, I mixed the bright red, a light bit of the grey and some black and ended up with a weird plum colour. This was then washed with Reikland Flesh shade. I am waiting for this to dry before any dry brushing. 


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Sharkey's Henchman

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