Thursday, December 23, 2021

Halfling Hounds

 The Swedish Vallhund

Ranger & faithful companion

One of my design aims behind my halfling army is to use figures and units that would generally fit in with the Halfling's of Tolkien's Shire. So no halfling war machines or halfling heroes riding dragons, which I have seen in other ranges. 

The Rangers catch some rustlers in the act!

However, I think a unit of halflings with hunting or guard dogs seems entirely in keeping with a Shire themed army. I did look at suitable figures from a number of different ranges with guard dogs from Citadel's Farmer Maggot being an obvious choice. I do already have the Farmer Maggot and his hounds, but want make a couple of units, so needed more than three hounds. They are currently selling for £8.20 for Farmer Maggot  and his three hounds on the Citadel website. Which would make each hound about £2.75 (with a spare Farmer Maggot or two).  Warbases also do a nice set of dogs but they are a bit on the small side. 

The whole pack

Whilst nosing around Salute, I came across these hounds by Bad Squiddo Vallhunder (8) ( at eight for £8.  

Vallhunder are Swedish cattle dogs. The Swedish Vallhund was originally bred as a drover and herder of cows over 1,000 years ago. In real life they are bit on the small side (See above). But just right size for halflings.  And at £1 each, a much more reasonable price. Giving me a couple of useful animal handler units. 

So as expected, it was fairly quick to paint up all eight hounds. I am in progress converting up a couple of extra rangers to act as permanent animal handlers. 

Grand Designs

Finished building the crooked house, now ready for painting.  


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