Saturday, December 18, 2021

Six of the Best - The Final Post

 Session 9 - Finishing Off - Very Newhammer and Bit of Oldhammer

Ok so I am calling this challenge done. An interesting little challenge and shows how much I rely on a number of standard technical paints (such as Citadel Shades) and colours (such as different metallics). I probably would have gone for Warplock Bronze base with Hashut Copper highlights and weathering with Nihilakh Oxide if I was painting this model with a free paint selection. Perhaps a more traditional looking Necron. 

I think I was right to paint the miniature on the sprue but perhaps should have done more of the detailing such as stripes before putting the miniature together. But I quite like working out the design as I go along and sometimes this works and sometimes not. But I still think he will come in handy for Stargrave etc. 

So overall he took a bit over 4 hours to paint. I am genuinely surprised how long this one miniature took to paint. I don't normally think about the time I am spending on each figure and I suspect that I would get quicker if I was painting more than one of them. I certainly had to spend a bit of time working how to put him together without a picture of the finished model. In contrast, I  was getting through the halflings very quickly by the end. 

For the base I finished it of with the red mixed with increasing amounts of the grey. I added a few small gold nuggets and it was then finished off with some yellow/orange grated sponge witch is the most alien looking of my available flock stock. 

The Necron or is it a ABC warrior vs. some Desert Waste landers

Picked this up from the Cinema when we went to see the excellent new Dune movie. Always on the look out wargames stuff!

Definitely a fan of the new Dune movie and hoping they get to make the second half. 

A very small space marine against my Necron. My whole painted Wh40K collection!

NB- The Space marine wasn't painted by me but bought off eBay on a whim and in the end I so liked the paint job. I didn't send him to the paint stripper!



  1. Quite an interesting challenge to follow! I would not have thought, that anyone could have pulled of such a convincing colour scheme with the colours you rolled up.

    1. Thanks, I think it is fair to say I wouldn't have picked any of those colours if I was choosing them normally.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...