Round Up Month One (April) & A Bit
As far as my Fae army is concerned it has been a productive month with progress made on several units and a couple characters completed.
Arrayed for War |
The Trees are Alive! |
Rank & File
Figures I made for this project. |
Figures I bought for this project. |
- Fungoid Shrooms - Completed (14 Models - Old Citadel / Kings of War / Scratch Built). This unit is finished for the moment, Although there is only 14 models, it does cover an area of twenty 20mm bases. So I could choose to use as a twenty strong unit (For non-competitive games). The notable features are the first scratch built figures and the 30 year old Citadel troll. Cost of Figures £2 (x2 kings of War Spectres used as Spore Zombies). I am not counting the troll as I have had him over ten years. The Kings of War figures were out of the bits box, so technically I didn't buy them for this project either.
- Dryads - In Progress (18 Models - Citadel). Again I have added a couple of scenic elements to two of the 2x2 bases. So again could be used as a unit of twenty. I have another four Dryads but not sure if I will keep them for this unit or use them some where else such as a scenic feature. I intend this to be led by different character possibly the stag's head druid with the fox familiar. Cost £19 for the 22 Dryads. So about 90p per figure.
- Wild Hunt - In Progress (13 Models - Unknown). One of the loft 'Freebee' units as so far all of the figures in this unit have come out of the loft. A quick unit to paint. Not sure if I will fix the wisps of mist or remove them yet. I need to decide on a leader. Either an Emerald knight and a hound master or a Spirit (Reaper miniatures do a nice Animal Spirit). Cost Nil (So far)...
- Giant Spiders - To Be Started (3 Models - Pound Shop). I have three Pound shop spiders queued up to convert and paint. Similar to the one I did for one of chaos warbands (see previous post). Cost <50p.
- Forest Spirits - In Progress (3 Models - One Finished, One In Progress & One to be Started - Scratch Built). The Lesser Ent is built and the Fungoid Giant is in progress. For the third forest spirit I plan to make an earth elemental. Cost Nil.
Figures that I reused or got out of the bits box for this project. They have decided to join the Fae cause.
Prodos Games Fae (Which I liked enough to buy the set) |
- Druids - Completed (2 Models - Ex Grenadier). A pair of Mark Copplestone's excellent Wood Elves from his Grenadier days. Very clean sculpts which paint up well. Bought from Fornlorn Hope. Cost £5.25.
- Fae Warband - In Progress (2 out of 6 painted - Prodo Games). Bought this group on an impulse from eBay. I particularly liked the female elf warrior with shield and spear which I thought would fit in very well the look I was going for with the Fae. Plus at about £1 per figure this wasn't going to bust the budget. Cost £6.16.
- Hobgoblin - Finished (1 Model - Ral Partha). Another really nicely sculpted miniature. Unfortunately I don't know who sculpted him but he will become the leader of a small band of goblins and giant spiders. Cost £5.
- River Troll - Finished (1 Model - Reaper Miniatures). A Christmas present, so again technically not bought for this project but I think he is selling about £7. I just asked for this miniature because I liked it. One of the purposes of this project was to paint figures I liked but within a theme. Cost £7.
- Hedge Wizard - In Progress (2 Models - Old Citadel). This is the old Tom Bombadil from the classic 80's Lord of the Rings range. I did do a bit of touching up on the foot figure which I had finished last year. But the mounted figure has been a 'waiting to be painted' stage since then. So a nice excuse to finish the set. Cost - I think I paid about £8 a couple of years ago.
- Goldberry - In Progress (1 Model - Citadel). I bought the modern Tom / Goldberry set when I couldn't get the classic Tom Bombadil. The Tom figure was already nicely painted so I just rebased him to match in with my existing collection. But Goldberry wasn't needed for the scenario. So was sitting in the lead pile. Cost - I think I paid about £8 a couple of years ago.
- Dryad Hero - Finished (1 Model - Reaper Miniatures). Another one of those impulse buys. I thought she would make a great leader to the forest spirits. Cost £5.25.
So not bad progress for about 5-6 weeks. The plan is to finish off some more of the in progress stuff as well as a couple of scenic items. So about £35 spent so far but with plenty of scratch building and re-using of old figures. I have managed to dent the lead pile a little bit. Plus I nearly forgot I also painted up one fox.
Fox about Town |
Looking excellent so far. Well done.