Monday, May 31, 2021

Last Mini of The Month

Grenadier Elf  with Big Horn!

The Fae Queen's Kin take on the might of the undead.
(A Mixture of Grenadier, Prodos and Warmonger Elves
vs. Classic Citadel and Fornlorn Hope undead) 

Yes, juvenile I know.  Finished off the the painting of one of the two repaired Grenadier Elves. This is an original 1990's figure which has sat broken in the bits box for the better part of two decades. I just need to actually play some games with all of these painted figures. Once again showing with a bit of patience (& Green Stuff) it is possible to make repairs and improvements. 

A better look at the tartan pattern. 

First attempt at tartan. I probably need to have a look at a painting tutorial to get the order right. definitely a painting skill mini-challenge. 

Beauty & The Beast

My two favourite
 figures that I painted this month was the Blood Rage troll and a Warmonger Elf.  Both great sculpts. I had a chance to try painting skin tones over a larger area on the troll and it was a good opportunity to try painting skin in a mixture of colours. The elf was a bit the other way and try and get some smaller details right like the two tone flowers and blending the skin on a smaller figure. 

Good vs. Evil

Picked out my next two figures for the duel mini-challenge. Both Classic Citadel AD&D high level figures from the 80s. In the left corner - The Very Definition of Lawful Good. The Paladin, and in the right corner - bring the chaotic to evil. The Chaotic Evil fighter. 

One Month Tally

All the figures painted in May. After last month's army building with work on the Dryads, Wilde Hunt and Fungoid Shrooms. This month has been much more about  characters and starting a small core unit of elves. Included in this is the second of the scratch built/sculpted forest spirits. 


A few bits and pieces on the work bench at month end. I have a couple of goodies on order, but I want to finish most of these before starting anything new.  The Warmonger Elf (Far Right) will be the Fae Queen but still needs dome serious back up. 


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