Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Fae Queen's Champion & Spider Keeper

Fae Characters  

Blue Maeve - Killer of Dragons


The Queen's Champion

'Blue Maeve, the Fae Queen's champion. As gift for killing a troublesome dragon (& collecting various important magical parts). Maeve was rewarded with the 'Ice Shard' a spear with a  magical ice crystal which freezes its targets upon contact. Usually seen leading from the front when the Fae Queen goes to war seeking out worthy opponents to best and enhance her already fearsome reputation.'

Very laid Back!

Progress continues on characters for my Fae army. I will have to switch back to painting some more units but at the moment I am enjoying painting the characters. This is a Faerie from the current Ral Partha range. A very nicely sculpted figure which took the ink washes well. If I have one compliant about this figure is that she leans back (and obviously has a lot of weight from the wings on the back). To compensate,  I mounted her on a bigger base. But I think I will have to make a even bigger  one as she balances on the flat but on a wargames table may be a bit unstable. 

Grog the Spider 

Looking for his Spiders 

'Grog the Spider or ‘Spider King as he likes to be known’,  rules the forest goblins and keeps a few giant spiders. Grog is smart enough not to call himself the Spider King within earshot of the Fae Queen as she would have his ears (literally) as a reminder to all that she does  not suffer any rival to her ‘royal’ status.

Like all goblins, he has skilled hand and when he can be bothered ‘or forced’ can make any number of useful and interesting objects. His favourite possession is his talking two-handed axe ‘Great Reaper’ which he made from bronze stolen from the hill dwarves. Great Reaper is a much more reliable at keeping watch than any of Grog’s goblins.  He also keeps a number of giant spiders which he uses for hunting and as guard spiders. '

Another one of the modern Ral Partha figures. I plan to use him as the leader for a unit of spiders and goblins later. 



  1. More great characters. I was pleased to see RPE do those faerie wings separately.

  2. Thanks, I have only recently (re)discovered the latest Ral Partha figures. Which have some very good figures in their ranges. They still seem to be roleplaying focused with a wide variety rather than only producing figures to fit a range.


Green & Pleasant Land

 More Scenery for the Shire Not a lot of time for hobbying at the moment but I did manage to finish off a bit more scenery for my Shire camp...