Thursday, May 13, 2021

Saving Lost Figure(s)

 I Know This Is completely Unnecessary

Green Stuff Work done

These are figures that have sat broken in the lead pile for a long time.  At some point in the past I managed to break the feet off of a couple of Grenadier Wood Elves in an identical way. I don't remember doing it but I assume I must have been trying to separate them from the wooden bases as they were still partly attached.

I know that I could get replacements from Fornlorn Hope at a very reasonable price but I still want to fix them. After an unsuccessful attempts to glue the figures back together,  followed by an equally unsuccessful attempt to pin and glue the legs. I moved onto option 3 - Green Stuff.

Ready for Painting

Having decided to replace the feet with Green Stuff. This turned out to be relatively straight forward. I started with two small balls of Green Stuff directly on the stumps, which were then flattened. I then fashioned the feet from a small sausage shaped blob of Green Stuff which was then pointed at one end. Finally to make sure they were level, I stood the figures on a flat surface which I had coated with chalk dust to stop them sticking. This bit worked Ok. I then stuck them onto the base. Unfortunately the standard bearer  still fell over whilst drying. So will have to try again with him. But the horn blower moves onto the painting stage. 


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