Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Captain of the Guard

 Finished with a 20 year Gap

This figure from Grenadier's Fantasy Warriors Fighting men range has been my General (Or Warchief in Fantasy Warrior terms) for over twenty years. But I never thought he looked finished. I forgot to take a picture before the finishing touches so you just have to trust me on this one.  

He had a plain green tabard which just needed something to bring it out. So a couple of washes and touching up wear and tear from twenty years of use. I can finally call him finished. The painting on the face is probably one best one that I think I have done.   Like many of Grenadiers figures of this period (mid-90s) this one was sculpted by Mark Copplestone and it is up to his usual high standard. 



  1. Very beautiful miniature! I love his mace, really martial feel to it. And of course that face is exquisite! The red stripe on the tabbart really makes him shine.

  2. Thanks, I may wait another 20 years before adding anything else!

  3. Nice work... he's looking at you glaring and saying "about time".


Green & Pleasant Land

 More Scenery for the Shire Not a lot of time for hobbying at the moment but I did manage to finish off a bit more scenery for my Shire camp...