Saturday, May 8, 2021

Duel No. 4 Alternative Ending

Who's That On My Bridge

Having lost the first draft of this post, lets try again. It didn't take to long once I started painting the Lone Wolf Bandit to realise that I hadn't removed enough of the original paint. I decided to abandon, my painting attempt and return him to the paint stripper. I tend to wait for a number of figures to be done together.  So he will wait for another day to be painted. Rather than stop, I picked another figure off the lead pile. I chose a low level female cleric from Citadel's 80s AD&D range. 

The troll has already featured in several pictures in my Fae army.  But started as a repainted figure choice for my wargames bingo. So not much more to say about him.

As she arrived

What she should have looked like

When I bought the female cleric, I  didn't check any trusted sources (such as my prized 3rd Citadel compendium) so didn't notice she had a deformed leg. Once she arrived and I checked her over it was obvious she wasn't kneeling but was deformed.  Now I have seen a few damaged or deformed figures in 80s Citadel blisters before so I still think she is a genuine 80s figure. It didn't take long to remove the leg and replace it with a plastic leg from a spare figure. 

Well Prepared for any adventure

The adventurers take on an Orc Warband 



  1. Another great paint job. I do like the carefully staged settings you use, terrain and backdrop... Something I never seem to get round to doing

  2. I am lucky, I can leave the backdrop set up in my son's room whilst he is away at uni.


Green & Pleasant Land

 More Scenery for the Shire Not a lot of time for hobbying at the moment but I did manage to finish off a bit more scenery for my Shire camp...