Thursday, May 6, 2021

All I need is a Bridge

 Time For the First of the Heavy Hitters

This troll is big enough to be used as a giant rather than a regular troll. The figure was really enjoyable to paint with a very nice level of detail, great design and  with well defined casting
(printing?). The figure is resin and would have been really heavy if metal.

I believe it is from the Blood Rage

I started the skin tones with Khorne Red in the recesses and working up to a lightened Deathclaw Brown. Followed by a Sepia wash. The next stage was light dry brushing with Deathclaw Brown / Kislev Flesh and further Sepia washes. The idea behind scheme is that troll has scarred and sore skin patches (which contributes to his bad temper) and that such a big skin area cannot be just one uniform colour. 

Basic Skin colours before the first wash.

Highlights of Deathclaw brown and Kislev flesh. I ended up taking him off the base to get at the hard-to-reach bits. The overhang of the arms in front of legs is nearly impossible to paint whilst attached to the base. So, he got pulled off the base.

The hair was painted dark green and washed. Ready for the first highlighting. Warplock bronze on the metal parts followed a wash with Nihilakh Oxide.  The loincloth was a mixture of Kislev flesh and Dryad Brown. If I was painting again then I would thin down the Nihilakh Oxide as I think it is a bit overpowering used neat on these small areas. 

I ended up removing him from the base
as I just couldn't get the legs properly.

Just prior to work on the hammer head. 

I will count him as my monster on my Wargames bingo card.


1 comment:

Green & Pleasant Land

 More Scenery for the Shire Not a lot of time for hobbying at the moment but I did manage to finish off a bit more scenery for my Shire camp...