Sunday, August 6, 2023

Boris the Dunce

The Manual Labour for the Troubadours

Boris provides a bit of muscle when the Troubadours need a little extra help. Not even bright by the low standards of the Spriggans and possessed with an incredible stench.  The Leprechauns regularly have to create clouds of fresh air when they get too close...

I really enjoyed painting this model, I have been putting him off for a while as I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to tackle him. However, once I got started the process flowed very easily. I wanted him to look much more grubby compared to the  other two trolls from Oakbound I have painted so far (Bruce the Troll). So I used browns with a lighter green as a highlight and greens with a grey as a highlight. To get the grubby look. Along with plenty of washes and dark spots to create patches of mould and staining. Finally some shading with Carroberg Crimson (watered at the edges)  to give a sickly look. 

A great model from Oakbound and one of my favourites. I am sure any similarities to a real Dunce is purely a coincidence. 

Can't be called the 'The Dunce' without  a special hat. 



  1. Haha, that's awesome! I love the model, but what a cool paintjob!!

  2. Fantastic looking model. Think you've really got that dirty, missy look - like he's just crawled out of the bog.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...