Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Army of Malacassa the Slann Rides Again

 Thinking about Slann Army Building - Part 1

One of the challenges of working on my Slann army project is knowing what to work on. Whilst knowing I will need some Slann! I haven’t been sure of how many and what types. So, the obvious solution was to do what a did before when thinking about the wood elf army which was to write out a starting army list. With the army list complete it was then possible to start looking at how to fill the gaps.

With the wood elf army, a ‘sculpted in the 90s metal army’ was one of my criteria's and given the availability of models formally from  manufacturers like Grenadier and Celtos. This was relatively straight forward  to carry out. However, the same cannot be said of old Slann miniatures from Citadel which regularly go for over £10 per miniature*. So even a very modest army would cost a small fortune and take lengthy amount of time to collect. There are a couple of manufacturers (Diehard & Little Soldier Company) making some very nice Slann proxy figures. Plus plenty of opportunities to kitbash or sculpt add on’s onto existing minis. So, this army will have to be a bit more modern. 

*I am just watching some individual models on eBay at the moment and they are going for between £10 and £30 each with 22 hours left to go!. 

Slann Mage & Army Commander

Now for this miniature there is still plenty of choice in resin, plastic and metal. As this is one of the few miniatures that has continued to be an actual Slann. Whilst I don’t consider £30 - £40 to be cheap, I do only need one and provides a very nice focal piece to the army. Ironically the original Slann Mage on a litter is probably my least favourite original Slann model and I much prefer the later models. So, I could go for any of the other later Slann Mage models  including the latest offering from Citadel.

Human Slaves

There a couple of different ways I could get these miniatures either kitbashing or get some slave figures from the Little Soldier Company. However, I recently got given a box of Wargames Atlantic's Cannon Fodder plastics. And included in this set are separate shaven heads with control collars which remind me of the ones on the old Citadel models. So at the very least this demands a trial kitbash.

So after looking on the internet, I decided upon new Aztecs also from Wargames Atlantic. As they have clothing that suits the pseudo-Aztec Slann and as a bonus I get loads of great weapons and accessories to use later. I was thinking about adding some bellies to the models with green-stuff to copy the original bloated look of the Citadel models. But once I got them they look too lean so it just wouldn't fit. These human slaves look  like they have been fed a few combat drugs prior to battle. 

So, technically this starts the Slann army v2.0. 



  1. Hmmm, I'm curious to see where does this lead! :)

    1. So am I, I haven't really got a plan past this point.

  2. Good luck! A Slann army was always tricky, there were just so few models in the range. Be interested to see how you get on with this.


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