Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Army of One

 A New Army Started

First test figure painted. As is often the case, I may go back and change a few details as the army evolves. But for now I will call this figure done. One area I will definitely work on is the base design. I like my armies to have distinctive and themed bases. Unfortunately I can't find any pictures of my original Slaves from the mark one army. So, you will just have to take my word that the original ones were not as lean and mean as these new ones. 

The shields are a nod, back to the original shield of the pre-slotta human slave warriors. 

Unlike my previous Slann army with the standard sand base painted green*. The new army will have a much more overgrown style.  I am thinking about adding a few bits of ruins and boggy patches of the Jungle terrain. I will also need to look at some more exotic plants either purchased or scratch built. 

*Never was a fan of the goblin green base. 

The old bases were just a bit basic by today's standards. 


1 comment:

  1. That's fantastic! You nailed it, congratulations!! :)


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