Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Zombies Stumble On

 Zombie 3rd batch Inc. Rotstagger

Work continues on the zombies  and the 3rd batch been finished. They have  grey / greenish hue by using some Citadel Gryph Charger Grey contrast paint. Still a bit darker than I was planning but they do match in with the first two batches. I still want to go lighter with the next group. So, will use a grey rather than black undercoat and see how that turns out. 

Horde like appearance

1st, 3rd and 2nd batch of zombies

Do Not Adjust Your Set

Spend a couple of days away and and ending up trying some rather good new beers including the Sign of Spring by Stonehenge brewery. This particular beer is naturally  has a greenish hue but has had some green dye added. Still tasted good. 



  1. I've seen your recent posts and this is the icing of the cake. They look truly terrifying and splendid at the same time!
    Oh, and you got me intrigued about that beer! I most surely need some research!


  2. We agree with Suber: the effect of your marching units is impactful. We really like how you managed to differentiate the skin tone of the undead. We wonder the hidden meaning of why you wanted to present in the same post some green zombies and a new green beer... Just a coincidence? Or what dark necromancy is behind that beer?!

  3. Thanks for the comments - Malacassa


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