Saturday, April 8, 2023

I am Starting to Enjoy This Little Project

 Officially Now a Horde

Had to break out the larger photography base today, to get all of the zombies in one shot. I have decided to take this unit up to forty miniatures. With the addition of some tarted up old Cheapside zombies will still leave me with a couple of spare sprues. I am now working on a standard bearer and musician for this unit. 

These Cheapside zombies were a mix of some old skeletons (can't remember which suppler but they were bloody awful) and parts from Oathmark's cultist sprue. Plus a couple of scarecrows from Kings of War. These were made ages ago and all of them needed painting again so I am including in this month's tally. 

This Cheapside zombie got a bit of extra attention as I grafted him  onto the base of one of the Kings of War zombies. They have an option to do half zombies (either from the waist up or down)


1 comment:

  1. Your zombies are really multiplying, and we see that you're having fun giving different character and details to each of them. Also interesting is the idea of ​​adding the scarecrows: the one photographed individually seems to be calling the undead to rise from the earth. In the first "group" photos, the better armed skeletons behind give the impression of holding off and inciting the horde forward, which is considered by them as cannon fodder. Let's wait to see what the pattern will be on their flag...


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...