Friday, April 7, 2023

Yet More Zombies

At the Bottom of the Bits Box

I am now beginning to see the benefits of zenithal highlighting and the zombies are the first time I have really attempted to do this on mass.  Obviously having an airbrush makes all the difference. 

My zombie captain a.k.a. Slicegut-ish.  I didn't try and copy the helmet from the Citadel miniature but did add some armour plates. Overall, I am quite pleased how he turned out and he is definitely a mixture of parts (Five different figures/manufacturers) from different miniatures and companies. 

After I took this picture, I decided that he looked to well armed, and so changed the sword for a slightly more worn version (now six different figures)

After the success of the armour plates on the captain, I thought I would try some barded armour. It looks a bit like a life jacket but once in the with the rest of the horde. 

Really this miniature is a simple head/weapon swap and a minor bit of reposing. But I really like the final look of this miniature. The left arm which was sticking straight out which was cut and reposed. Giving a slightly awkward angle but fitting for a zombie.  Again we are back to having only three different bodies on the sprue, two of which have at least one arm attached. So, the first step with nearly all of these miniatures is to take off the arms and repose. 



  1. Nice work...a fearsome looking bunch.

  2. We really like how you are experimenting with creating new miniatures by mixing different pieces and adding new details with green stuff. Our favorite is the horned skull zombie – he also has a disjointed pose, which is extremely effective. We may have missed something, but are you planning to give these units a standard (and standard bearer)?

  3. Yep, a standard bearer is up next - Malacassa


Death of Lotho

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