Friday, March 3, 2023

The Journey Ends

 Young Bilbo Finished

I didn't like the lighting on the finished figure.
So, I used this in-progress picture instead.

Painting the young Bilbo figure has completed the company of Thorin Oakenshield. And it has taken nearly 20 months (See original post  The Company of Thorin Oakenshield). Much longer than I originally it would take. 

My painting experience from completing the Company of Thorin Oakenshield  neatly sums up my feelings towards the Hobbit movies. Which are very mixed! I have found both the movies and painting the figures  to be extremely frustrating and very joy able in equal measure. 

Leaving aside the merits (or otherwise) of the movies, painting these figures has a trying experience. And while it has pushed my painting skills. I haven't always been satisfied by the final results. Mainly because they seem to have very shallow or limited detail. Which means my usual techniques of washes, drybrushing and highlighting just didn't work. So, I had to work much harder to get an acceptable level of detail. 

Me: Before I started painting

Young & Old Bilbo

In comparison, painting the old (metal) Bilbo was a very enjoyable experience compared to painting the new plastic Bilbo. 

Me: When they arrived

Gandalf: Would like to paint the Company of Thorin Oakenshield again?

Me: Good Morning



  1. That's quite a nice fella! You have done a hell of a work with the Company, this is the icing of the cake!

  2. They look great toghether! I remeber a similar feeling of joy and frustration when I finally finished these miniatures. I have a second set that I wanted to convert sitting on ponies. But up until now, that has not happend... Painting them all once seems about right for my sanity!

    1. I like the idea of them riding ponies but I understand why you are in no rush to start that project.

  3. Nice hobbit! If on the one hand having a guide for painting in the film characters can be limiting, on the other hand it is a stimulus to achieve higher results - provided that this does not become a devouring obsession and one turns into gollum...

  4. As usual thanks for the comments it certainly helps.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...