Thursday, June 10, 2021

Time for Another Project

 Or You Can Never have Too Many Projects

This is one the projects that has been sitting on my Must Do project list. I am a big fan of The Hobbit. Whilst the films may have had a number of flaws
(notably when they stopped trying to follow the book), the costume design, acting and characterisation was generally great (with the exception of the attempted comic relief - Ori)

This is one of those sets that I would regret not getting whilst it is in production and end up paying over the odds to get later. I managed to get a slightly discounted set off eBay but it still costs nearly £2 per figure. So not particularly cheap but as usual Citadel have done a great job of making miniatures out of the characters. 

I was surprised to see how many of the figures are single piece mouldings whilst retaining a good 3-D design. There is bit of choice with Thorin and Bilbo to arm them before or after the troll hoard. I planning to use the after the troll horde as both figures just look better with Sting & Orcist. 

My plan is to paint them one or two at a time as side project.  Really so I can take my time and try to do a good job. After a bit internal debate I decided upon Gloin first, as I like the figure but he is not one of my favourite characters or models from the set. 

I have got a couple of the glossy books which were released at the time. Which should serve well as reference sources. While scanning through the books I noticed a short piece by Ann Maskrey talking about colours: Thorin - Midnight blue, Balin - predominately red, Dwalin - Khaki, Bifur - rust, Bofur a dirty yellowy mustard, Bombur- tones of olive green, Fili - a slightly mauve grey, Kili - teal blue, Gloin - blood red, Oin - brown, Nori - grey, Dori - mulberry colours and Ori -soft lilac grey.  Which gives an interesting starting point. 



  1. Yes, Thorin's Company is such a great set! The miniatures are great fun to paint and you can really characterise them individually.

  2. Yep,I want to paint a couple of figures from the set before I tackle the key characters.


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