Friday, March 24, 2023

The Running Dead

 Start of a Horde

They don’t have classic shambling zombie poses but they do have a running zombie vibe. Hence the title of this post.

Spent a bit of time after tea putting together some of these Kings of War zombies. Starting by making a couple of sprues straight out of the box. To try and cover most of the in-box variants. 

With only three bodies (and one of those with both arms attached), they start to look like duplicates quite quickly. Now this will get better with painting, but I wanted to increase the variety by adding weapons from the bits box and a bit of green stuff. Turns out weapons and hands from the Oathmark Goblin sprue are quite suitable for these zombies. With this first set, I will add some with green stuff rags once the glue has hardened. It would be good  to do some semi armoured versions later. 

The painting plan is to paint them with multi-coloured zenithal highlighting and contrast paints. Which will hopefully give them a quick and ragged appearance. 


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