Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday Night Painting Session

 More Elves

I was thinking that these elves would look the part for a Norse Saga warband. The elf army continues to grow slowly. But it is growing 

Ruffians watch out!

Finished off Frodo the other day and I have just got round to photographing him. Two more figures from the Oldhammer Shire hobbits set.

My go-to brushes for general work.

These are the Daley-Rowney  brushes - two for a £1 from the Poundshop that I use for most of the heavy lifting when it comes to general painting. Both of which I think have survived longer than normal after being cleaned regularly with the brush cleaner.  I have got into the habit of cleaning the brushes after each painting session. And while most of the time the soap doesn't look particularly dirty after the brush is cleaned. It does seem to be helping the brushes last. So, I will consider this to a good practice to continue. 

Still vegan. 



  1. We've already enjoyed your painting of individual elves, but seeing a unit finished and deployed in rank and file is awesome! You have done genuinely fascinating work. Did you make the trophy standard?
    Thank you for your experience with brush soap: one more testimony that drives us to use it.

    1. The standard bearer is from Warmonger miniatures in their Nymph elves range. Thanks for your comments


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...