Sunday, May 29, 2022

Evil Minions, Glowing Undead & Auroch Hunts

 Skeleton Champion

After really enjoying painting up the Dead Men of Dunharrow, I did have a look around the lead/plastic/resin pile for something else to paint in the same style. And came up with the Prodos Games Fae – Skeleton champion, I am not really how he fits into the Fae set but is a really nice figure which I have been puzzling about how to him paint for some time. Anyway after the Dead Men, I thought he would be be a suitable candidate. 

I also tried a bit of source lighting from the green skin (which is the first time I have tried this technique) but I don't  think it really shows up in the pictures. But was much more successful that my attempts at Zenithal highlighting (Zenithal Highlighting). Still enjoying using this technique so will have to find some more figures to paint. 

I think he could end up being an undead or chaos champion for either army. 

Evil Minions of Lord Vassago

I thought it was time to have look at these guys on mass. I still have about the half of the Oathmark Goblins to complete and forgot to add the Wyvern. But Lord Vassago's evil horde is nearly ready for Thistlewood. 

The First Hunt

Also managed to complete the first hunt with the Crow tribe as they hunt an old Bull Auroch. In a game of Paleo Hunt - Eat or be Eaten. Quick battle report to follow.



  1. The glow is a great effect! Very cool!

  2. Great work. Glad to see the evil army is almost complete ( evil cackling).


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...