Sunday, May 1, 2022

Boromir of Gondor

 Alternate Colour Scheme

Definitely not a copy of the film colour scheme. But I am quite please how he turned out. I may add a design to the shield. But I quite like it plain at the moment. 

It's a great sculpt and  it wouldn't surprise to find out that it was sculpted by Mark Copplestone or Perry twins. 

"...You Did What I Could Not."

"It Is A Strange Fate That We Should Suffer So Much Fear And Doubt 
Over So Small A Thing."

Doing what Boromir does

The Two Elephants in the Room

When talking about Boromir, two topics are likely to come up: 

Boromir on Film 

Sean Bean - Obviously!

An excellent choice for Boromir on screen in my view obviously. One of the key casting choices that convinced me at the time that Peter Jackson could do a good job  and got the source material. The other great casting choice was Christopher Lee. Most of the rest of the main cast at the time were relatively unknown. So it was hard to tell what the direction the films would take before the first film came out. 

An older modern Boromir. 

My Boromir was painted shortly after the figure came out so I suppose nearly twenty years ago .  With 6 points of Might and 3 Attacks, he saved the day on many occasions. As Citadel's LotR game has been a regular feature of my gaming since the films came out. 

The 1978 version by Ralph Bakshi

Never got the pseudo-viking look. But the film was a valiant attempt to do epic in animated feature. 

The Death of Boromir

Its hard not to mention Boromir and not to think of his final battle at the breaking of the fellowship. 

The Last Words of Boromir by Ted Naismith

The Death of Boromir by Inger Edelfeldt.

The second picture is from the 1985 Tolkien Calendar which I had (have?).

And finally my favourite  quote:  "What is this new devilry?" 


1 comment:

  1. I can't be sure about the sculptor, but I'm sure that it's a great mini and I'm also sure that you made it justice. Fantastic paintjob!


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...