Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Zombie Dragon

 Tom Meier's Zombie Dragon

'Bring your pretty face to my axe'

Got this miniature for Christmas and he has been slowing been moving toward towards the finish line. Given I first saw this miniature in the 3rd Citadel Compendium (Circa 1985), I can't believe that you can still buy it new (from a Ral Partha seller on eBay). It still stands out as a great sculpt. 

Sculpted by Tom Meier, this dragon has been a main stay of many undead armies and definite must for my growing undead horde. I enjoyed painting this miniature and decided to go for muted green.   I was trying out a different wash technique on the blood which involved a Citadel Magenta wash from the early 90's (which I found in the loft). Which had a nice shiny look but doesn't come out on the photos too well.


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