Sunday, March 7, 2021

Grenadier Barbarian Giant

 Grenadier Barbarian Giant

This model has been supporting my Fantasy Warrior's army for decades. However most of that time was with a basic green scenic scatter base. After a couple of years sitting in box, I decided he needed a bit of an update.

This is one Mark Copplestone's figures from the Grenadier's Fantasy Warriors range back in the mid-ninety's (still available from Fornlorn Hope Miniatures). This is one my favourite figures by Mark Copplestone  but to be fair there are so many good figures from Mark it is hard to pick just one. I really like the details and he fits very well with the style of the barbarian army. 

The paint job is mostly the one from the ninety's. I added  washes to a couple of parts such as the bones and the clubs. But most of the work was on updating the base. The 'stretch' of the design was the arrows. Which I haven't done before but were made from sections of paperclip  inserted into drill holes into the base. The fletching's were made from thin card cut into small rectangles and with the front cut at an angle with a modelling knife. They were then glued to the arrow shaft with PVA glue. Patience and a fine pair of tweezers were needed for this part but trick was to get an even amount of glue on each side of the fletching so it didn't twist whilst drying. 

The rest of the base was pretty straightforward with small bits of slate  and modelling clay with a sharp sand top coat. I recently purchased some scenic flower tufts (so expect to see more of them on my figures) and the skeleton was from the same sprue as the 'Bloody skeleton's feet'  (see previous post).  So they are good for something.

I am pleased with the overall result and he should be ready for the next couple of decades.


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