Sunday, March 7, 2021

Duel No.1 - I Challenge You to Single Combat

Knights from Different Backgrounds

As a way of painting up random bits of my collection (lead/plastic pile). I thought it would be interesting to paint up figures in a pair in form of a duel.  For the first attempt I picked 'Gustavus Strongwill' from the Citadel's Fighters range and the Southron  - Haradrim from the classic Lord of the Rings Range. Both classic Citadel 80's figures.

Gustavus Strongwill was sculpted by either Bob Naismith or Jes Goodwin as part of the Fighters range published in White Dwarf 84 (thanks Stuff of legends). The interesting part is that he is clearly based on the Swan Knight of Dol Amroth figure from the Lord of the Rings Range from the same time (See Below)

Gustavus alongside the ME-75 Swan Knight

As the Swan Knights are painted in 'cool' colours such as Blue/White so decided to go the other way with Gustavus and go for 'hot' colours of Red/Black with golden armour. Good fun to paint and with a simple colour scheme giving a striking finish. 

Gustavus now finished, the Southron is now underway. 


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