Thursday, March 25, 2021

Duel No. 2 Part 2 - Clash of Wizardry

Vordak Finally Given a New Look

So I have finished the second of my two wizards for this duel. Vordak from Citadels 80's Lone Wolf range. He has been sitting on the shelf with same paint job that I got him with for at least a decade. I decided not to go down that the black 'Ringwraith' look but went for a mixture of greys and reds. The red was much brighter than I thought and he ended up with a Little Red Riding Hood vibe (Doh!). Also tried a different order to my painting by doing dry brushes to the base colour and then washing (In this case Nuln Oil) rather than dry brushing after the wash. Overall I am pleased with the look. 

I have already chosen the third Duel. Which a pair of pre-slotta miniatures: a dwarf farmer and halfling slinger. The dwarf has had a bit of a start/stop. His tunic and hat were my first attempt at using contrast paints and I wasn't sure if had over done it. However, I dry brushed over the contrast paint  and now think it looks ok.

Get OFF my land & leave my carrots alone

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