Sunday, March 7, 2021

First 1000 pts - Month 4 (February) - 174 pts

 First 1000 pts - Month 4 (February) - 174 pts

So I finished my 1000 pts challenge at the end of February with my Army Commander (the Mighty Zog Arkwright) and the Drager's Bows (Chaos Thug Archers). A bit of a tale of two halves as I was pleased with the final look of Zog and not particularly pleased with the archers. This was not helped when I decided to stick them onto multi-bases before painting them (doh!) and the Battlemasters figures have quite a low level of detail. And on closer inspection no quivers for their arrows. 

However the first stage of this army is now finished and I managed to add a reasonable chaos dwarf allied contingent. 

The army in all its glory!

First 3  Months

November is counting as month 0 because I painted this hobgoblin as part of a chaos warband. 

Month 0: Oct 2020. Completed 1 Baal’s Destroyers (40 pts).

40 pts


Month 1: Nov 2020.  Completed 9 Doom Reivers inc. Musician, Standard & Champion (149 pts) and 1 Baal’s Destroyers (40 pts).

199 pts


Month 2: Dec 2020. Completed 1 Doom Reiver (11 pts), 1 Baal’s Destroyers (40 pts), Baal (116 pts) and 10 Gor Charge Beastmen (130 pts).

307 pts


Month 3: Jan 2021. Completed beastmen champion (63pts) and x3 beastmen (39pts), beastmen musician & standard (52pts), bog troll (65pts) and chaos sorcerer (85pts).

304 pts



850 pts


The Last Month (February)

So February was about finishing this army. At some point I must have mixed the points up but I don't think I will go back and work it out as I have painted the figures and now thinking about the next project(s). 

Zog is a great figure which oozes character and has lots of nice details. Painting was pretty straightforward with a red colour which makes him stand out from the rest of the warriors. 

Nothing good to say bout the thug archers...

Month 4 : Painted Zog (74 pts) and finished off the chaos thug archers (100 pts) which completes the first challenge. Forty three figures painted in just over 4 months.

My Army Commander - Zog

Plus Friends

With a few allies of the short and chaotic kind.  I still need to finish off a few more chaos dwarves to crew all of the guns and have a enough to field a 10-dwarf unit. But I am most of the way there already with this endeavour (with the figures already purchased). My chaos dwarves are a real mixture of Citadel, Ex-Harlequin, converted plastics and some very nicely sculpted Ral Partha miniatures. I have had great fun with Citadel's technical paint on the bronze which is the first time I have used kind of paint. 

I also have started the chaos cultists which will allow the current heavy armoured unit (The Doom Reivers) to be upgraded to Marauders. I probably need some cavalry at some point but I quite like the idea of converting some Empire/Bretonian Knights as chaotic turncoats. 


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