Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Death & the Fae

And Hell followed with him

This 1980s Death Elemental has a real Oldhammer vibe about him and he painted up very easily. He is the second of the special characters for the (ever increasing) zombie horde. Like the first one, he will be mounted on a 40mm base along with some other zombies so they can be ranked up properly. I must admit I did wince at the price when I pressed the 'Buy It Now' button on eBay. But compared to modern GW  figures he isn't any more expensive than modern figures its just that his original price was £1.25 (originally sold for £2.50 with the Life Elemental who is even more expensive nowadays!)

"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts

And I looked and behold, a pale horse

And his name that sat on him was Death

And Hell followed with him"

The Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash*

*I hope didn't have to tell you that!


Now this is one of those genius or awful ideas. After (re)painting this Reaper Dryad with a fairly regular army standard paint job. I decided she needed something extra. So, I added a whirlwind of leaves around her. Quite simply a metal frame was bent around her with a paperclip and then I stuck a load of birch tree seeds as leaves onto the frame. Overall I am quite pleased with the effect. I did then dump plenty of PVA glue over the top of the leaves to cement them in place. 



  1. Wow. I was about to say how I love that Death, but tne I saw the Dryad and she left me speechless. The leaves idea is absolutely genius!

    1. Thanks Suber, the dryad was a bit of spur of the moment idea.

  2. I only knew that was Johnny Cash because I listened to an interview with Nick Cave on the radio the other day and they played some JC. Looking very good and the whirlwind is excellent....I might try that when I do some Fae.

    1. The song by Johnny Cash is one of those songs that is stuck in my head (in a good way) and on repeat.

    2. Thinking about it, the whirlwind effect might also be useful for some great leprechauns I picked recently...

  3. That Death Elemental is one of the coolest models ever. Love how you've showed up all the studs on his bodyglove, proper hard rock reaper.


Ruffians Beware

 Game 2 - Farmer Maggots Farm So, this scenario is played exactly as described in the Sourcebook. Where a group of ruffians attempt to cross...