Saturday, January 23, 2021

The first 1000pts


The first 1000pts

The army so far...

After deciding to paint up the unused chaos warriors from my chaos warband project (see earlier posts) as chaos undivided warriors in black. This sort of led on thinking about painting up a small chaos army.  I haven’t painted any actual armies for quite a while. I thought this might be quite a nice little challenge.

 Since Warhammer 3rd (WFB) edition is my favourite version, I have used Warhammer Armies to generate the army (with a couple of tweaks). The plan was to build a core army which could be added to at a later stage. So, have decided to stick to 1000 pts, using heroes/unit limits without any magical weapons or items and following the 3rd edition rules.

The Chaos Renegades of the Mighty Zog.

As a motif I am going to use skull/face painted half red and half white. Which is intentionally mirroring the Malal’s symbol. So Zog’s renegade may actually be disciples of Malal ready to turn on their chaos ‘allies’ at a decisive moment.

The Mighty Zog - Chaos Warrior (74 pts)

The Mighty Zog (Army General) – Chaos Warrior

Heavy Armour, Shield & Hand Weapon


Army general. A late addition to the army as I was originally planning on using Kaleb Daark. But he is better suited a wandering killer. Leading a hand to those fighting chaos. The Mighty Zog Arkwright is one my favourite chaos warrior figures so no worries. A chaos warrior is reasonably powerful hero for an army of this size and can lend his skills to any unit in need. Still need to paint this miniature.

The Warlock – Chaos Sorcerer (85 pts)

Picture curtesy of Stuff of Legends

Level 10 Chaos Sorcerer

Hand Weapon


I have had the classic Warlock (of Firetop Mountain fame) figure sitting on my painting shelf for some time and I thought this will make a slightly different chaos sorcerer. I still need to get at least one familiar for this mighty wizard. As this chaos army is quite light on long range firepower, he will help balance the scales. Which is why he has a number of long-range attack spells. Still need to paint this miniature.


Battle Magic: Fireball, Windblast & Aura of Resistance

Elemental: Assault of Stone & Cloud of Smoke

Demonic: Summon Familiar


The Doom Reivers – Chaos Thug Unit (160 pts)

Josef Grimheart Chaos Marauder – Doom Reivers Champion

Heavy Armour & Shield




Doom Reivers - 9 Chaos Thugs inc. Standard & Musician

Heavy Armour & 2-Handed Weapons


 Originally, I would have liked to make this a unit of Marauders, but ten Marauders (inc. Standard and musician) would have used up 480 of my 1000 pts. So, while might have made the painting pretty quick it would not build a very build big or balanced army. For now, they have to settle to be Thugs and will hopefully upgrade then at a later date.

This is the first unit to be completed. Based on the classic chaos warrior figure. I decided to modify each one of the figures to create an individual look. Most are simple weapon swaps and changes to the helmets with Green Stuff. I plan to increase the unit up to 15 and do some extensive conversions on the remaining figures or get some more metal figures to mix it up a bit. 

Shields later changed to Oldhammer ones once I learnt how to make them! The second one in is Josef Grimheart my unit champion.

Gor Charge – Beastmen Unit (284 pts)

(As much a chant as a s a unit name)

Bray  - Level 5  Beastman Banebeast Champion

Light Armour & Shield




Gor Charge - 15 Beastmen inc. Standard & Musician

Shield & Halberds


 The Beastmen form muscle to this small army, hopefully their toughness 4 and 2 wounds will give them the staying power whilst the other units get to grips with the enemy. With only a leadership of 7, I will have to careful they don’t get exposed too much missile fire before they get in to hand-to hand combat.

The majority of this unit are based on the classic plastic Beastmen figures with a number of modifications to swap weapons and move arms about. Just waiting for the musician to arrive and then the unit will be complete.

Baal’s Destroyers – Hobgoblin Unit (236 pts)

Baal - Level 5 Hobgoblin Champion

2-Handed Weapon & Light Armour




Baal’s Destroyers - 3 Hobgoblins

2-Handed Weapon



I have swapped out the minotaur’s for sme Ex-Grenadier Hobgoblins. These are some of my favourite Grenadier figures (sculpted by Bob Naismith I think) but don’t really translate that well in WFB. As there isn’t a separate goblin army (unlike Fantasy Warriors).  In Fantasy Warriors Hobgoblins are elite berserkers which I think the Minotaurs are good match. Also, I have wanted to get them painted for a while. I might get some Minotaurs at a later date but for now I will stick with the Hobgoblins.

Bert & Ernie – 2 Headed Troll (65 pts)

Bert & Ernie - 1Troll

2-Handed Weapon


Of course, there has to a troll who doesn’t want trolls in their army. I picked up one of Drew Williamson’s excellent Bog Trolls for Christmas. In this case a two headed troll which fits in well with the chaos theme.

Draeger’s Bows – Chaos Thug Unit (100 pts)

10 Chaos Thugs

Bows & Hand Weapons


 Finally, I needed a bit of long ranged firepower to target any enemy units which try and keep out of the way. I still need to get these figures and plan to use Battlemaster’s chaos thug figures. If I can’t get any at a decent price, I might switch to the Ex-Grenadier Barbarian archers.

Final Thoughts

Army total so far 995 pts and 43 figures (30 painted so far). Next up some chaos dwarves. A group picture when we get better light. 

Apologies not a very good set of scans, many mumbled excuses…. Probably something to do with Brexit or Covid or Trump (take your pick). 

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