Friday, January 15, 2021

Nurgle Champion - Fester Rotten

 Nurgle Champion - Fester Rotten

Starting to get to grips with Green Stuff and am prepared to be a bit more adventurous with the changes.

So for the next Chaos Champion (Nurgle) I am have changed the weapon, made a custom shield (this was actually my first attempt sculpting a shield, before the Oldhammer shields seen in earlier articles) and given a suitably distressed look.

Again, starting from a classic chaos warrior.

I sculpted the shield directly on a sheet of thin plastic as it didn’t want to stick to card.  After removing the axe, I added a long sword from the bits box (Frost grave I think) and added a Nurgle symbol to the pommel. I also added some corroded parts to the armour with Green Stuff and drilled loads of small holes.

The shield was cut out and stuck a sheet of card before painting. It was painted separately and attached at the end. My completed Nurgle Champion –
Fester Rotten. I am please with how he turned out. 

 Fester plus a couple of his warband.

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