Tuesday, January 5, 2021

One Good Idea...


One good idea…

The decadent warband of Titus Vile

I came across an article on chaos warriors of the four different powers based on the old Hero quest chaos warrior figure (see FUNKY WENIS RODEO: Champions of Chaos).  I thought this would be a great idea to try.

After a little hunt of eBay I got a set of twelve classic plastic Oldhammer Chaos Warriors and as a bonus it also included five of the classic Beastmen figures as well.

As with many my projects they spiral off in different directions (& usually out of control).

After closer inspection I decided to use the existing paint schemes as the undercoat, because quite thinly applied and even (plus I didn't have Dettol or IPA to hand). So, a test figure painted in single session to get a feel for the miniature. 

In case you are wondering, my one is on the left.

But what good is Champion (which I have decided to call Titus Vile) without a warband and a banner for that matter.  Obviously a Beastman follower was added followed by a root around The Lead Pile for some followers. As I ease back into painting etc, I have gone for a straightforward paint job while the other champions will have a bit of conversion and varied paint jobs.

Titus’s pet spider is a pound store special (which I hopefully will cover in a separate article, as it the first time i have used Green Stuff to convert a model).


 That’s it for now. More warbands and what to do the rest of the chaos warriors?



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