Sunday, January 10, 2021

Pound Shop Giant Spider

 Pound Shop Giant Spider

This pound shop figure has been sitting on my paint bench for ages. It is part of a Halloween light set with eights spiders lit up by LED lights. I have been thinking for a while that it would be a useful giant spider.

I previously gave a black coat to make it a bit spookier for Halloween,

So, I removed LED light fitting which sticks out too much. Being careful not to damage the legs.  I have not had much practice with Green Stuff at this stage (this was before the Oldhammer shields).

But found it really easy to create a rough fur and stinger. I had been using Milliput which is not really very suited for this kind of sculpting. Just using a pencil to create the fur effect. 

I decided to cover the whole of the abdomen so the fur would match in.

Completed chaos wastes base. Classic sand and Milliput (to create the stalagmites) texture base with a black undercoat and dry brushed browns and purples. Satin varnish over the green goo, a few leftover scenic items and green flock to finish it off. 

The spider was given a straightforward black and white paint job. The spider is a hard polystyrene which takes acrylic paints well. A classic drybrush army finish and ready to creep out the enemy. Overall, the figure cost less than 20p and I still another seven if I want to create a little horde.  Currently as a pet from my Slaanesh warband Champion.

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