Friday, July 29, 2022

Horses Or Ponies?

ME-21 Boromir - Part 2

My latest Boromir has arrived, the mounted version of the ME-21 Boromir. And the thing that struck me first is just how small the horse (or pony!) he is riding. It really does look like they ran out of horses when Boromir went looking for a mount. 

I wonder if this is Citadel trying to save money by making a smaller model or did they just forget to scale up their horses when scaled up their 25mm to 28mm figures? 

Boromir alongside a 90's Grenadier mounted barbarian

Call of the Wild

When I ordered the wolfhounds from Alternative Armies, I also took the opportunity to pick up a few of their other figures that I fancied. Among them was the druidess, I didn't realise she was a resin figure until she turned up (It does clearly say she is a resin figure on the website, I just didn't read it). It doesn't really matter but it was a surprise to see the grey resin alongside the other shiny metal figures. 

I haven't any great plans for her but I do quite like their Seasons of Celebration range  and I quite like the idea of any army of evil snowmen. Ironic in the middle of a heatwave!


Friday, July 22, 2022

Like Buses

 The Brothers Grimm

After waiting six months to finish one of Thorin's dwarves. I managed to get two done in one week. Now with Ori out of the way I can get onto more interesting characters. At this rate I might actually finish the set before 2024. 

The Mighty Wolfhounds of the Wood Elves

I had originally thought I would mount the hounds on 25mm bases and then they arrived...

The hounds from Alternative Armies are much more imposing than the puny ones from Citadel. 


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Nori the Dwarf

Not Exactly Flying Along

It's taken me six months to get round and finish the next one of the Thorin's dwarves. My original plan was to paint one a month ( The Company of Thorin Oakenshield ). However, a year later and I have only managed four. 

Nori & Ori have fallen into my cunning plan to finish off stuff that has been hanging around the paint bench for months (re. start of the year). These two were bit less obvious than other figures such as Bloody Handed Annie because they had a lot less paint on them. But once I finished a few of the hangers on, they moved up the queue. 

To be honest I just haven't really enjoyed painting these miniatures as much as I was expecting.  This has got me wondering why? Is a technical problem or a subject matter problem? 

On the technical side they  because they area bit smaller (but they are not really any smaller than the metal LofR figures, Gimli shown below), and it seems a bit odd to say but they seem have very shallow levels of detail which doesn't suit my  wash and highlight painting style. So these don't just paint as well other figures for me. 

Also, I deliberately picked figures which weren't key characters from the film to start on. But this has also probably has contributed to lack of enthusiasm. I am now working on Ori which is without doubt the worst character in The Hobbit (Peter Jackson seems to love a unfunny comedy dwarf and only just managed to hold it together with Lord of the Rings). So once I can get over that hump, I am on to more interesting characters. 

This does probably sound a bit negative for a hobby I enjoy but am still enjoying painting them. Just not as much some other figures and it seems to be taking a long time.  So in order to try and make a bit more progress, I will try and paint the remainder in linked groups of two or three such as Fili and Kili. 

Still the journey goes ever onwards...


Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Rings of Power

 The Rings of Power

I don't normally post about upcoming TV shows. However, this has got be an exception. As a lifelong Tolkien fan, I am definitely looking forward to the new Rings of Power show.  It does look like Amazon is really spending the money and making in count in this new trailer. 

As a wargamer there are as usual a couple of teasers for various battles and all the major players seem to be represented. 


Monday, July 11, 2022

Bloody Handed Annie.

Finishing Stuff for Mid-Year 

After a great couple of weeks in sunnier climes, it's now back to work and a bit of painting. I have been working a few of the models that have been sitting on the paint bench for a few months. Bloody Handed Annie is the last of this little lot. First started back in February (Bruce & Annie), she has been sitting not very patiently. Most of the work done, but the base largely unfinished. 

Annie & Bruce

The plan is for each of the bases to working to form a themed set. In this case, the trolls bashing up a faerie ring.

Next Up 'The Dunce'

Next is the troll simply know as 'The Dunce'. Thick by even troll standards. I am planning on adding a Dunce's hat. Suddenly this figure has  gained a bit more political relevance again. 

The Dunce


Death of Lotho

Yes, Really  Pre-Battle Again, both sides used Influence points to add a minor hero, Strong Armed Pete for Ruffians and Pip Proudfoot for th...