Monday, July 11, 2022

Bloody Handed Annie.

Finishing Stuff for Mid-Year 

After a great couple of weeks in sunnier climes, it's now back to work and a bit of painting. I have been working a few of the models that have been sitting on the paint bench for a few months. Bloody Handed Annie is the last of this little lot. First started back in February (Bruce & Annie), she has been sitting not very patiently. Most of the work done, but the base largely unfinished. 

Annie & Bruce

The plan is for each of the bases to working to form a themed set. In this case, the trolls bashing up a faerie ring.

Next Up 'The Dunce'

Next is the troll simply know as 'The Dunce'. Thick by even troll standards. I am planning on adding a Dunce's hat. Suddenly this figure has  gained a bit more political relevance again. 

The Dunce



  1. What gorgeous work! The paintjob on the miniature is outstanding. But I must admit that it's the base that makes my mouth water. What great and fanciful detail. Hats off!

  2. Thanks for comments.Now into the next one


Death of Lotho

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