Sunday, February 28, 2021

Wargames Bingo

 Wargames Bingo

Came across this on bingo card on Rob Hawkin’s blog ( yesterday. So, I gave decided to give it a go.

Blank Bingo Card

Looking through I can fill three squares straight away.

1. Finish painting a model that’s been in your lead pile or remained unfinished for more than a year.

The Unfinished Prince Penethor

Probably the easiest one on the whole card for me. This model sat my lead pile for over 25 years and in  partly finished state for about 18 months. So this figure definitely meets the criteria.

The Finished Prince Penethor

He was finished as I was starting to get back into painting after 18 month break.

2. Paint a unit and add scenic bases for all the models (Scratch built or resin is fine; so long as it’s more than just sand and static grass).

The Mighty Zog leading the Greater Hobgoblins

This one and the next was pretty straightforward for me as I do the bases before starting the next models. 

3. Claim this space only if all of the “Finished” models in your army are based, too (this could be a freebie).

First 1000 pts Chaos Army

So three squares complete and twenty two to go...


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