Thursday, February 25, 2021

Chaos Cultists & Bloody Skeletons Feet!

Bloody Skeleton's Feet

I bought a sprue of skeletons In order finish off one my skeleton units. The  sprue looks good with plenty options  and nice set of Greek themed weapons. However this is where the good news stops.  Each skeleton is made up with a completely unnecessary (and fiddley) number of components including separate feet, During the test build I managed in no particular order to lose one (so now I am one short), glue them on backwards, crawl around on my hands and knees (several times!) and say plenty of swear words when the bloody things did not fit into into position. I did finally manage to glue the feet on and then had to fiddle around adding the spine to the pelvis. 

Bloody Skeleton's feet

I have no idea why they decided to make it so overly complicated for no real benefit. But I will finish the test build and the now remaining four and a bit will now go into the bits box until I'm in a better mood. 

Alternative Disciple of the Red Redemption 

As mentioned on a previous post, I would like to add a unit of the Disciples of the Red Redemption to my Chaos horde put have been put off by the price. So after a bit of searching on the internet, I settled on the using the bodies of the Frostgrave Cultists with skeleton heads from the Citadel Skulls set. The Frostgrave sprue is excellent with plenty of different options and weapon choices. I like the hooded monk look of the Disciples so with bit of Green Stuff I decided to have a go at sculpting a hood. So one test build later....

First Test Build

Side shot plus even more skeleton bits

I chose a relatively large skull to give the impression of a mask over human face but I think it looks a bit oversized, so will go a more normal sized skull for the next one. But Overall it gives the look I am trying to achieve. I am sure more accomplished sculptors could get a finer finish but I think ranked up in a unit they will do the job. I have also sculpted  couple of shields which I will cast using a Blue Stuff mould so they will all be identical. I haven't decided which to use but one is plain and the other has a pattern (see below).
Patterned Shield design

The one problem (for me) with the the Frostgrave sprue is that because there is a wide variety of different weapons I can't build a unit with the same weapon. So I will have to build one if I want them to be all the same. 

More next time


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