Sunday, February 7, 2021

Building a Chaos Dwarf Mortar


Building a Chaos Dwarf Mortar

After building the swivel gun battery, I decided that I also needed some longer-range firepower from my chaos dwarves. The Citadel chaos dwarf mortar always looked a bit too weedy to me. Especially when you compare it to medieval equivalents. So, I wanted something a bit bigger to use with my chaos dwarves.

After looking at a number of alternatives, I settled on barrel using a plastic pencil. This would also give me something to hold onto whilst sculpting the barrel.
  A snarling face for the barrel is a must giving it the right fantasy vibe.

Fun with Green Stuff

As usual the details were sculpted with Green Stuff with the teeth made out of small cardboard triangles. The eyes were made previously from Milliput from my Oldhammer shield pile.

The base was done in the similar style to the previous swivel guns with foam card base and card edges. The mortar stand was made from coffee stick stirrers and bolts made from small plastic discs cut from a left over spear. 

Don't step on the mushrooms!

The mushroom patches are beginning to grow from a few simple mushrooms to a little patch. Mushrooms made from Green Stuff or Milliput around a paper clip stalk.  Painted with Khorne red and purple with a Nuln Oil wash.  I prefer to do a black spot first before I do the white spot with a bit of the black left showing.

The mortar was painted with Warplock bronze followed by a wash of Nihilakh Oxide and then a dry brush with the bronze again. The stand was painted mid-grey with brown and green washes.  With Riza rust around the bolts. The mortar was glued to the stand and restraining strips added with card and more of the plastic bolts. 

The cannon balls are simply made from Milliput.

Ready rain death on everyone

Now I need to get a few proper crew.

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