Saturday, February 13, 2021

Ugezod’s Death Commandos


Ugezod’s Death Commandos

The Death Commandos in all their glory.

This is one of the few boxed sets that I actually bought back in the day. The originals have long disappeared into the mists of time.  Bought from Southsea Models in their original shop for those old enough to remember. Before it moved. 

Box Artwork

Character Description
(Both from Stuff of Legends)

One of the Regiments of Renown by Citadel and sculpted by Nick Lund. In fact, my favourite group of sculpts by Nick. I picked up Ugezod at the beginning of last year with a view to using him as King F’Yar (from Blood bath of Orcs Drift fame) and after painting him decided I would like to go back and have a go at the rest of the gang. This is only Citadel set of the era that I can think of where there were two different sets at the same time (Ugezod’s Death Commandos and Ugezod’s Mother Crushers). With Death Commandos being a character box featuring the Mighty Ugezod himself and the Mother Crushers as a standard Regiment of Renown.

The Mighty Ugezod a.k.a. King F’Yar

Ugezod was painted first and before I learnt the secret of the sculpting shields. However I don’t plan to go back and repaint this (yet!).

Not the original 90s paint jobs!

When I had the boxed set first time round, I only managed to paint three of them (Kudra, Gnar & Mormo). After picking the entire set up as a job lot. There was a definite difference in quality particularly between Ugezod and the first one picked up separately. Also, the originals (from the 90s) and single purchase Ugezod all had pointy shield bosses, and these have flat shield mounts. It could be these are recasts or that Citadel changed them at some point. However, since I already had Ugezod painted, I have decided not to over think this one and just enjoy the painting the figures.

I decided to keep Mormo for last but the other two would be done next. This has been a slow burn project with the aim of painting up one or two figures a month.  And I have actually managed to stick to that plan.


Kudra Stunty Smasher is probably the best posed of all of the figures. I really like the pose and the look.

The other three figures all got sculpted shields. However, I had to sculpt them twice as the originals got pinched by the Beastmen to finish their unit first.


Since starting to paint again, I had a go at painting stars on Mormo’s robes with mixed results.  This resulted in buying in some new brushes. 

Ok onwards to the next project. 

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