Monday, February 1, 2021

The first 1000pts – January 2021 (304 pts)


The first 1000pts – January 2021

The Chaos Renegades of the Mighty Zog


Month 3 - Figures

The Story so far...

For November I am counting as month 0 because I painted this hobgoblin as part of a chaos warband.

Month 0: Oct 2020. Completed 1 Baal’s Destroyers (40 pts).

40 pts


Month 1: Nov 2020.  Completed 9 Doom Reivers inc. Musician, Standard & Champion (149 pts) and 1 Baal’s Destroyers (40 pts).

199 pts


Month 2: Dec 2020. Completed 1 Doom Reiver (11 pts), 1 Baal’s Destroyers (40 pts), Baal (116 pts) and 10 Gor Charge Beastmen (130 pts).

307 pts



546 pts


 January Progress

 So, January was about finishing off what I had in progress. I did paint up Kaleb Daark who originally was going to be used as the army commander but instead I have decided to use the mighty Zog Arkwright. Another great figure from the 90s and has a look more detail than I was expecting.

I really like the rusty brown on the armour, so I have decided to keep that. The shield is well painted (certainly compared to my standard) but he needs a sculpted shield to go in with my other figures so that will have to go.

New Army Commander before repainting.

The Beastman musician only turned up last Thursday, so bit of a rush to get him finished for month end. This completed the Beastman unit – Gor Charge. I also had time to make a movement tray for both the Beastmen and the Chaos Thugs. 

Beastman Musician

Month 3: Jan 2021. Completed beastmen champion (63pts) and x3 beastmen (39pts), beastmen musician & standard (52pts), bog troll (65pts) and chaos sorcerer (85pts).

304 pts



850 pts


The completed Beastmen Unit

What's Next?

I would also like add some cultists in the form of Disciples of the Red Redemption fame but at the ~£50 for 11 (currently on eBay). I think I might convert some from the Frostgrave cultist’s pack instead.As bit of a side project, I also finished off three swivel guns and teams (see previous post). More chaos dwarves now needed to create a proper allied contingent. I have started work on a mortar and a unit of dwarves to make this a ‘legal’ allied detachment as the chaos dwarf hero can act as an allied contingent commander as long as the contingent is only one race.

What’s left?

New army commander now in progress and I have successfully won the Thug archers so with a bit of planning (luck) I should be able to get the first 1000pts finished this month.

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