Sunday, October 20, 2024

Itzcoatl's Raiding Party

 The Compulsory Element

Not for the last time Itzcoatl wished he was back on his favourite lily pad contemplating the mysteries of the cosmos with the occasional tasty snack. However, his master had instructed him to collect another mysterious ancient artifact. This time near the occasionally hostile northern lizardman tribes. So, he had decided to bring plenty of  support and had even paid for a personal Amazon bodyguard from his own gold stash. 

Lyta surveyed the valley below and at the steam rising from the holes in the far valley wall. Obviously some lizardmen nests. She quietly observed to herself, it was unlikely they would pass unnoticed as she unconsciously shifted her straps holding her twin blades. 

While the first part of the Slann army is still some way off, but I thought perhaps I could play some small narrative games using what I have already painted up. So, Itzcoatl's raiding party was born. 

I have finished of the last of the Ral Partha Europe frogmen, now several of them have opted to look after some of Tanqecl-Tlo'ectlutl's many pets. So, I have had to draft in a couple of replacements in the form of a Diehard Amazon and a 'mini' giant spider to build a unit of ten. 

Obviously Itzcoatl believes the local conscripts need a seasoned mercenary to keep an eye on them! 

Army Building

Warhammer 3rd Edition army lists are bit of a mixed bag when it comes to compulsory elements. For the Slann it is only one unit of ten regular models at 9 points each. Making the minimum requirements only 100 points. Where as an army list like the dwarves has over 600 points and sixty models as a minimum requirement for rank and file. Still this does leave plenty of points for all of those Slann special units. 


1 comment:

  1. They look terrific, I love the colour, the bases, the whole vibe they instil. Cool job!


Objective In Sight

Adding a Bit of Slann Scenery Itzcoatl finds the sacred relic So, I followed my normal jungle basing policy, which is to add as much stuff a...